Dr. Yılmaz Yörü (BS MS Post PhD)
Mechanical Engineer, C++ Developer
Project Manager, 2D / 3D Designer, Energy Manager
Area of Interest:
Mechanical Engineering, Project Management, Energy and Exergy Management, Energy and Exergy Analyses of Systems, Innovative Designs, 3D Machine Design, Developing Desktop and Mobile Applications, Engineering Applications, Game Programming (mostly C++), Database Development and Management (mostly MySQL), Web Applications (PHP, JS, HTML5), Artificial Intelligence Applciations, Artificial Neural Network, Hydraulics, Pneumatics

Founder of the Esenja Company
Embarcadero C++ MVP

Founder of the ABRAINA AI Project
25+ years of engineering
35+ years of programming
10+ years of academic studies
20+ SCI and non SCI papers
134+ citations
30+ presentations
40+ engineering projects
100+ innovations
1000+ blog posts about C++ programming in LearnCPlusPlus.org, blogs.Embarcadero.com, and Medium.com
2000+ C++ projects (50+ great applications)
30+ poems
5+ awards
Mechanical Engineering

Esenja Company founded by Yılmaz Yörü in 2012, developing software and mechanical systems and innovative designs.

Blog posts about programming and engineering applications
Medium.com LearnCPlusPlus.org blogs.Embarcadero.com